Community & Social Service involvement


Services offered at The Indic Center for Psychological Wellness and Holistic Health

Psychological & Psychometric Testing

  • We offer a wide range of related to Psychometrics and Psychological Assessment, focused on helping individuals and organizaFons make beNer-informed decisions based on psychological assessments and psychometric data. This can be valuable for career planning, talent management, and personal development.s to test and measure various facets of one’s behaviour, personality, attitude, mental fitness, aptitude, career interests and potential, inherent skill, relationships, adjustment, leadership skills, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, etc. We are also trained to undertake customized construction of tests for organisations based on the need analysis for its various functions, including recruitment and training.

  • BODHI – Psychometric Profiling Test: Our experts have developed a specific psychometric test called the “Psychometric Profiling Test,” which is based on MulFple Intelligence and skill sets. This test is designed for school students in grades VII to X to assist them in making informed career choices.

  • Psychometric Test ConstrucIon: We create and adapt psychometric tests for both online and offline administraFon. These tests can be customized for various purposes, such as educaFonal insFtuFons, corporaFons, and organizaFons.

  • Use of ScienIfic Standardized Tests: We use established scienFfic standardized tests, measures, and psychological instruments to assess different aspects of behaviour, personality, aVtude, mental fitness, apFtude, career interests, potenFal skills, inherent skills, relaFonships, adjustment, leadership skills, emoFonal intelligence, and social intelligence.

  • Customized Test ConstrucIon: We design custom tests tailored to the specific needs of organizaFons. This can include tests for purposes like recruitment and training.

  • Workshops and Training: We also provide workshops and training sessions on psychometric evaluaFon, test construcFon, behavioural assessment, psychological assessment, and soX/life skills training, for students, teachers, principals, police personnel, and corporate organizaFons.