Community & Social Service involvement



1947: Between Two Worlds
Long Term Effects of Communal Violence on a Multi Religious Marginalised Community Author Dr. Chavi Bhargava Sharma, Publisher WISCOMP


Dictionary of Terms in Tests, Measurement, Evaluation and Statistics  
Author Dr. Chavi Bhargava Sharma, Publisher The Readers Paradise
ISBN 978-9382110613


Heart in a Frozen City
Author Dr. Chavi Bhargava Sharma, Publisher Outpouring Books
ISBN 978-8194013518

Convener of ‘National Conference on Autonomy of Education’ in association with Siksha Sanskriti Uthan Nyaas, on 1 st and 2 nd April 2017

Organized ‘Swayamsiddha’ 2016, 2017 – Celebrating Being a Woman in association with Sindhu Srijan, an event which has eminent people from various spheres of life empower the youth both men and women through training workshops on issues of Gender Sensitivity, Safety and Legal Rights

Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA) Conference on “Workforce of the Future”, Tokyo, Japan, 15th Sep. to 17th Sep. 2015 (Presented a Paper)

Indian Association of Positive Psychology (IAPP) & MRIU, International and National Conference on “Positive Psychology: The Ripple Effect”, Faridabad, Haryana, 27th Feb to 1st Mar 2015 (Chaired Sessions)

North Zone Yuva Fogsi 2014 (Fogsi Youth Health Mela) organized by Faridabad Obstetric & Gynaecological Society & MRIU, 11th April 2014 (Chaired Sessions)

International Conference on Colors of Career Development at Manav Rachna International University jointly with India Career Development Association (ICDA) R/S Foundation, Maryland, USA & National Career Development Association (NCDA), USA, 27th to 29th March, 2013 (Resource Person)

National Seminar on Aging Workforce, Applied Psychology Unit, University of Delhi, South Campus, 1 st and 2 nd March, 2014 (Speaker and Moderator for Panel Discussion)

2nd Workshop Institution Building: Creating an Institution of Excellence, 26th to 28th October 2012, Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, India (Presented a paper)

National Conference on “Challenges & Opportunities of Work Ethics in National Building”, 4 th to 6 th October 2012, St. John’s College, Agra, India (Resource Person)

Workshop on ‘Role of Business School in Shaping Enterprise Social Responsibility in MSME’s’, a UNIDO Project, Manav Rachna

International University, Oct 2008

Workshop on ‘Public Private Partnership: The Way Ahead’, by Government of Rajasthan, Department of Education, 2007

International Conference on Peace and Conflict Resolution in the Indian Perspective, Subodh Jain Post Graduate College, Jaipur Jan 4-6 2007

International Conference of Applied Psychology, International Girl’s College, Jaipur 2006


International Conference on Applied and Community Psychology held in Haridwar, Feb 2005

Workshops on ‘Reconstructing Lives: A Study of the Mass Violence in South Asia in 1946-1948’ held in Udaipur; 2000

Workshops on ‘Reconstructing Lives: A Study of the Mass Violence in South Asia in 1946-1948’ held in Delhi in CSDS, 2000

Workshops on ‘Reconstructing Lives: A Study of the Mass Violence in South Asia in 1946-1948’ held in Delhi in CSDS, 2001

Workshops on ‘Reconstructing Lives: A Study of the Mass Violence in South Asia in 1946-1948’ held in Delhi in CSDS, 2002

Workshop on Peace and Conflict Resolution held by WISCOMP, Dalai Lama Foundation for Universal Peace, 2005, 2006

UGC Sponsored Seminar on Community Perspective and Behavioral Problems held in Jhunjhunu, Raj; July 2005

Workshops on ‘Communities in Interaction; Ajmer as a paradigm for Religious Tolerance’ held in Jaipur, 2000-2001

South Asia Facing the New Millennium. Ahungalla, Sri Lanka Sep 21-23, 1999, Conference of the Alumni of the RCSS Summer

Workshop in association with Stimson Institute of Defense Studies and Analysis, Washington; Washington Institute of DéfenseStudies, Washington

Workshop on ‘Life History Construction and Mass Violence in South Asia’, held in Kathmandu, Nepal, June 23-26, 1999 by Centre for the Study of Developing Societies 29, Rajpur Road, Delhi

Saadat Hasan Manto Lecture Series, Center for the Study of Developing Societies, 29 Rajpur Road, Delhi, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
